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Welcome to my blog

Thank you for following, i hope that everyone can gain something from this blog, and leave with valuable insite on parenting. Good, bad, or indifferent.

My children are Four (sister) and Two (brother)

Everyday feels like a new day, a new lesson. At the end of the day, as i lay in bed i think to my self what grade did i earn today...A,B,C,D...sometimes even F.

Every day i study these little people, maybe by the time they move out i will have aced this test.

Maybe not....

Monday, May 3, 2010

hurry up......slow down

isnt it silly that all we want is for our kids to be come more dependant, and self sufficent, get big and do stuff that may be more fun?
But once they do, we want it to all slow down?

All i wanted was for my kids to sleep in past 6am, so that my husband could get some more sleep. (afterall, he doesnt even get home and in bed until 2am) Also so that i could have mommy time before i leave for work, (check emails, blog, workout, whatever)

Well they do....now i cant stand that i dont get to hug and kiss them at the door before i leave.