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Welcome to my blog

Thank you for following, i hope that everyone can gain something from this blog, and leave with valuable insite on parenting. Good, bad, or indifferent.

My children are Four (sister) and Two (brother)

Everyday feels like a new day, a new lesson. At the end of the day, as i lay in bed i think to my self what grade did i earn today...A,B,C,D...sometimes even F.

Every day i study these little people, maybe by the time they move out i will have aced this test.

Maybe not....

Friday, April 30, 2010

Two and Two, the story of my life

my mom told me that having multiple children always meant buying multiple items.
I grew up with two sisters, no more than 6 years between the oldest and youngest.
My mom told me that she had to buy three of everything, and they all had to be exactly the same or we would argue and fight over the one we thought was "better"

My kids are litterally watching the same cartoon, (as i write this) but in different rooms, silly i know! Sister has to be in the bed next to me, while brother wants to be in the play room on the bean bag. They have no idea that the same show is being played in both rooms, (thank god for Tivo)
Two different personalities, but all the same liking to things.

1 comment:

Jenn @ My Not So Glamorous Life said...

That's so funny that they were doing that with the TV! Sounds exactly like something that my boys would do.

And, 2 weeks ago we went to a ball game and the boys got to choose an item from the Team Store. Big boy chose a Rally Monkey, Tot chose a Pitcher Figurine. They are fighting over the Rally Monkey... I knew I should have bought 2!