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Thank you for following, i hope that everyone can gain something from this blog, and leave with valuable insite on parenting. Good, bad, or indifferent.

My children are Four (sister) and Two (brother)

Everyday feels like a new day, a new lesson. At the end of the day, as i lay in bed i think to my self what grade did i earn today...A,B,C,D...sometimes even F.

Every day i study these little people, maybe by the time they move out i will have aced this test.

Maybe not....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How hard do you really push?

push harder, push.....1......2......3.....4.......5.........6.....7..8..9..10, now breathe. Almost there, keep pushing, keep pushing, we see the head, shoulders...one more time PUSH~! ahhhhhhhhhh, relief.

Does the same always apply? from the moment that they are brought into this world and for the rest of their life, do we push? Or do we wait for them to walk out of the birth canal on their own? Cut their own embilical chord?
Sister has asked us to sign her up for T-ball......exciting right? our little princess, playing sports? The first thing we thought..How will we ever get her out of a dress? Well with a pink bat, glove, ball, bag, and
cleets, it worked. She will retire her dresses (only for a couple hours on saturday) and play ball. Or so we all thought.
She is four, the earliest the league will take them..no better time to start her out right? learning with all the other four year old girls, how fun!!! NOPE, not so much.
TWO practices, TWO!! before our first game, this past saturday. She choked, completely shut down, wouldnt go out on the field for her turn at bat. Coach yelled out "is she gonna come out or what?"
Mommy's initial thought....you son of a b@#*$!! Have some sympathy, she is scared, and intimidated since about 4 adults to every child was sitting in the bleachers cheering the team on. Did i forget to mention, Sister is only one of TWO four year olds on the team...the other, coaches grandaughter. Yeah, sure, of course SHE isnt scared, Mommy (assistant coach) and grand pappy are out there on the field with her.

She has agreed to go again this weekend, secon game....no pratices in between. What a load of crap. How is she supposed to enjoy this? Do i push her out there, or let her walk out on her own. I know once she does it she will be just fine.

1 comment:

Jenn @ My Not So Glamorous Life said...

You push, and you push, and you push until they are in distress... then it's no longer safe to do so, and you have to take a break for a while, even if it means they have to find their own way out.

And I can speak from experience, both literal and figurative... it's not easy to stop pushing, it might go against every instinct you may have. But it's for their own well being.