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Welcome to my blog

Thank you for following, i hope that everyone can gain something from this blog, and leave with valuable insite on parenting. Good, bad, or indifferent.

My children are Four (sister) and Two (brother)

Everyday feels like a new day, a new lesson. At the end of the day, as i lay in bed i think to my self what grade did i earn today...A,B,C,D...sometimes even F.

Every day i study these little people, maybe by the time they move out i will have aced this test.

Maybe not....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

to lie, or not to lie....................

again, kids are only 2 and 4. Do you lie to them about death?
Well i do!! It is my choice as a parent to pick and choose when my children need to be protected. Death, and mourning is something that i will not fess up to...until i absolutely have to, anyway

Grandma passed away this week (my grandma) kids never met her, very sad, pretty suprisingly.
i have to go, fly to michigan to pay my respects, and say goodbye to a woman i feel i barely knew, and saw a dozen times in my life.i kinda wish i could say that i am minimally affected by this, but it wouldnt be the truth.....it hit me yesterday, she was my last living grand parent. My parents are such a critical role in my kids life that i couldnt imagine THEIR lifes without them. Even the mother in-law is making a lasting impression on their little lives.

so i am leaving for a few days, kids at home with daddy (and mom-in-law) and i have told them that i am going to work, when actually i am going away to be sad and say goodbye to someone that they do not even know. man how i am going to miss them.

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